An event that created a mark at Hi-Tech World School today, as the school, under its Disha Program, hosted a special session featuring two distinguished lawyers who shared their professional experiences with the students of classes 7 above.

This event was organized under the able guidance of Bridge the Gaps, a career counselling company that has been working with the school children to guide them for their future endeavours. The session aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the legal profession, and inspiring them as they consider future career paths. The two imminent lawyers from the firms Randhawa & Grover and Lex Interface came to meet the children on campus.

The session began with an interesting story that Mr Chaudhary narrated to raise curiosity amongst the listeners. And gradually they delved into the world of legal profession. Mr. Grover shared his personal experience of being motivated by his mentor to pursue a career in Law. This was followed by several questions from the students on the study of Law, kind of cases they handle, skills required for this profession, their specific area of expertise, ranging from criminal law to corporate law, and many more questions full of inquisitiveness not only among students but also the teachers.

The Q/A session with the lawyers was extremely engaging through interactive discussions, explaining the daily responsibilities and challenges the lawyers face in their roles. The speakers also shared personal anecdotes about their career journeys, including the educational and professional milestones they achieved along the way.

The session with the lawyers was an immensely valuable experience for HWS students. It not only broadened their understanding of the legal profession but also provided practical insights into what a career in law entails. Students felt inspired to consider law as a potential career goal and gained knowledge on how to pursue it.

Disha Career Counseling Programme

Do I want to be lawyer

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